How do you publish posts in other pages on blogspot?

good blogspot gadgets on Recycle Wine Corks into the Christmas Wreath
good blogspot gadgets image


I have a blogspot blog and I'd like to publish posts in home and in another one of my tabs.
Does anyone know how to do this, thanks! All answers welcome.

I don't think you can post posts on different pages using blogspot. On the other hand you could try to use labels and have a label tab that can be used as different pages. Just simply label all of the separate posts with the same label and then add a label feature to the gadgets area on your website.

How do I find out about gadget conventions or unveilings like wha Engadget goes to?


I'm a tech freak and I want to go to some of the gadget conventions like what Engadget goes to. Anyone know how I can find out about them? I like to find out about the new phones, and other electronics.

hey see this site to know about everything u need

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