Gadget to show fan speed in Windows 7?


I would like a sidebar gadget to show the fan speeds of my computer. I have Core Temp right now as well as GPU Observer. I like them both, however they do not show fan speed. I'd prefer either an all in one (GPU, CPU temp, RAM usage, and fan speed) or just fan speed and nothing else, but I'll take any suggestions. I have two computers I'd like to put it on, one a Dell Latitude D630 32 bit and a MacBook Pro Retina 64 bit, both Windows 7 Professional.


Not a gadget, but it shows everything.

If you want temps and stuff, you can drag them into your tray beside the time. Much better than gadgets.

Windows 7 gadget problem!?


My computer did an auto update and removed all of my gadgets on my screen. So I thought I would just add them back. I tried and it does nothing when clicking on the "gadgets" tab after right clicking on the desktop. Is there any way I can fix this or revert to the older version of windows? Thanks in advanced!

Microsoft removed gadgets from its site a couple of years ago. There is a possibility that they can be hacked. Once this became widely known, they were removed.

I have an XP computer that still has a gadget and updates have not affected it. I would look for another reason that they vanished.

You can try a system restore to a date when they were still there.

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