DCUO:Which is a better class for PVP?


Currently I have a fire tank villain that uses the staff and I recently got to a level 30. So I tried the penguin mission and I couldn't beat it so I tried the jokers mission and I got my ass beat in seconds. Usually I lose when I'm fighting a group of enemies but it gets more difficult. I recently made a rifle and gadgets villain and it felt easy and I didn't die much but I didn't feel like trying to level him up to a level 30. Which is a better setup for pvp.



this is why i tell people NOT to power-level. you just wind up with an undeveloped, useless lvl30 character.

the truth is, both of those are great builds.

you just need better gear. and learn to block. that Joker challenge (The Last Laugh) is ridiculously easy, so if you're getting killed there i got nothing. good luck.

Caging the Penguin, however, is possibly the hardest lvl30 challenge and can take a lot of practice (i'm looking at you, Pengbot Maximus) so don't worry about surviving, just try to finish, and learn.

mainly, though, work on gear. check the Hall of Doom wings; each wing has a vendor selling T0 (blue) faction gear. build that set. seriously, go do it now.

then start earning Marks of Triumph for your T1 set. you'll notice those challenge missions getting easier and easier each time you do them.

also, work on Feats to earn extra skill points. i cannot stress this enough. it is the *only* way to boost your stats once you hit lvl30. under 40sp is considered "noob". 60sp is "average". 80+ is "good".

PvP is an entirely different kettle of fish. it's almost like two different games -- you need a different, complete set of gear. so ignore that for now.

DCUO: how effective is rifle and gadgets?


I have a fire tank that just reached level 30 and Indian a couple of level 30 missions and barely beating them. I can't join a group or a league because for some reason I get disconnected from LAN. That includes raids, alerts, duos etc. So basically I do missions as a lone wolf. I don't know how long i will last witha fire tank only own though so I probably need support so I'm thinking about making another character that uses rifle and gadgets since I will be on my own. Any suggestions on classes.

if you're 100% solo, you might want to stick with Fire. just switch to DPS instead of Tank (remember that Tank mode boosts your Defense, but cuts your offense even more) and use lots of area-of-effect attacks, especially ones that give damage-over-time tics, and self-heal (which fire excels at) as needed. you should own everything. :)

that said, rifle/gadgets can be a killer build. your area-effect attacks won't be as good as with fire, and you miss out on the self-healing, but you'll have stun attacks out the wazoo and can inflict respectable burst damage.

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