How to quit Desktop Gadgets in Windows 7?

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I just got Windows 7 and it is awesome, but I just can't get rid of the gadgets on the desktop with out just deleting them one by one. How can I just quit the program?

In Win7, the gadgets aren't their own program like in Vista. You'd have to close them out 1 by 1.

How do I get the Windows 7 Gadget bar to dock on one side of the screen?


In Windows Vista, I was able to dock the sidebar to one side, not having it overlap the windows but have the window adjust to the one side of the sidebar in full screen. The sidebar was fully displayed yet it wasn't overlapping any windows, and the windows were in full screen. How do I do that with the Windows 7 Gadget bar? I'd like my notes to be displayed to the right of the window conveniently.

Hi Broccccc,

I think you are talking about the taskbar. This displays at the bottom of the screen, but you can move it to display on the side of your screen. To do so click an empty space on the taskbar, and then hold down the mouse button and drag the taskbar to whichever side of the screen you wish it to display it on. When the taskbar is where you want it, release the mouse button.

Hope this helps!

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