What cards would make an almost unbeatable Yu Gi Oh deck?

good gadget deck on the lightest most durable decks to hit store shelves element s new ...
good gadget deck image


I have a gadget deck but I only win like 85% of my games and Im thinking of making another deck.


Need I tell all of you? There is no such thing as unbeatable. For you, I give two thumbs up for asking for an "Almost" unbeatable. Sorry to inform you, dude, but 85% is pretty damn good. There are people out there who barely win 10% of their duels. You won't get much better than where you are now. Keep the gadgets, they seem to be working fine for you.

Good luck, happy dueling! ^_^

What would be the best cards to put in an almost unbeatable deck, while keeping in mind a money limit?


I have a spirit and a gadget deck but they aren't that good

there really is no best card to have in a deck. It all just depends on the number of cards and how you use it, but there are really good cards to have in a deck like sakuretsu armor, dimensional fissure and return from the different dimension, and raigeki.

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