How do you download a Gmail gadget?


I've tried it but when I download it it sends me to WinRAR.

You need to have Windows Sidebar on your computer to get gadgets.

To get more gadgets, right-click the sidebar icon on your bottom system tray and select "Add Gadgets"

When you are in the gadgets, click on "Get more gadgets online" link.

Choose the one you would like and click on it.

When it brings you to the description and download window, click the Download button. This will open another window.

Read the Submission specs then click Install. It should install to your computer and show up in your windows sidebar gadget vault.

To select the gadget to use on the desktop, click the + button on your sidebar. Or right click the sidebar option on your system tray and select Open, then choose the one you want.

Why do some gadgets just not work in gmail that work in igoogle?


For example: I wanted to only use gmail rather than also using igoogle. So I tried to put the same weather gadget I used in igoogle in gmail. But it didn't work.

Is there any way to get past that, by changing the code in the gadget?

You can't drag any gadgets into gmail. If you want to view a weather gadget then install google desktop. Don't know about Mac, but Ubuntu and Windows Vista and 7 all have built in gadgets.


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