Is my digital camera covered under rental insurance?


It seems i lost my camera . Not sure if my rental insurance covers that. They use such complicated legal language in the policy that you won't get a clear idea about the coverage. Anyways, are gadgets like these normaly covered under renters insurance?

Usually the only way most of us can afford insurance is to have large deductibles. I would guess that your camera is probably not expensive enough to be more than your deductible.

Renters insurance covers you for large losses 9someone breaks in and steals all your stuff or burns the place down. Also if you leave the iron on and it burns the place down- your renters insurance covers your liability-(even if the landlord has insurance- their insurance company would turn around and sue you for leaving the iron on)

gadget asia question???


does anybody know if this site is good and safe to buy from???

i want to buy this...

it's the one with 2gb so does anybody know if this site is trustable???

I have bought a nintendo ds lite from it and it works fine and you can play any game you like on it but i got it ordered with the insurance then a couple of weeks after we got FedEx charged us £25 but it still is a bargain and reliable so go for it!

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