What are some ways to brew coffee that don't involve a standard coffee machine?

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Prophet Mo

I've been getting more health conscious and, looking at this gadget, I see it's got a plastic chamber for the hot water and an aluminum coffepot. This means every time I make myself a cup I'm drinking some of that plastic and aluminum. There's got to be a better way....
Many thanks for the responses guys. There were
several good ones so I'm putting this out to a vote.

You can always make "Cowboy" or "Hobo" coffee, boil water in a can, drop in the grounds and take it off the heat. Let is steep for a few minutes and add a little cold water to settle the grounds.
Actually, it's good coffee once you get the timing right.

What are some ways to brew coffee that don't involve a standard coffee machine?

Prophet Mo

I've been getting more health conscious and, looking at this gadget, I see it's got a plastic chamber for the hot water and an aluminum coffepot. This means every time I make myself a cup I'm drinking some of that plastic and aluminum. There's got to be a better way....
@Blush: Thanks, but I should probably have said that this isn't about lack of money.

One method is to use a glass pot, measure by coffee cup the number of coffee cups of water and bring it to a boil. Add one tbsp. of coffee per cup you want to brew. Take it off the heat. When the grounds settle to the bottom of the pot it's brewed. You can adjust the formula to taste with some experience.
This method was used for decades until the invention of coffee makers.

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