What all do I need to buy for a Wii system?

good gadgets for teenagers on ... for Teens, I recommend the Electronic gadget under $100 for a Teen
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Maybe purchasing one for Christmas, and I need a list of necessary "stuff" to make sure it can be played with on Christmas morning. Would also like to know items that are neat gadgets to have, but not "required". Thanks for your help!

more than one controller is always good, but for every controller make sure there is a nunchuk (only up to four controllers) otherwise the wii comes with pretty much all that u'll need, however if you want some other multiplayer games id sugest (for younger kids) mario party 8 or wii play or for teenagers red steel, guitar hero 3, or super mario strikers (which younger kids might enjoy also) (comes with a guitar, but if you want two id buy two copies of the game and sell one game on ebay while keeping guitar, thats what i did) also good 1 player games include the legend of zelda twilight princess, metroid prime 3, or super mario galaxy (coming out nov. 12) i thoroughly enjoy wii sports (included with the wii) i would suggest buying some wii points card so as they can buy some of the old classics on the online store, or download cool features and programs, if yuo have internet, get the classic controler, for racing games such as monster 4x4 or excite truck (excite truck being the one worth getting) id suggest getting a steering wheel which the remote can be placed in for supperior steering ability, but if you see the wii sports pack with a mini tennis racket, baseball bat ect, dont bother because the game is more fun without them. i would get the wii jackets that were just released so if they drop the remote it wont cause harm to anything, also i would get the hi definition cables (i got mine at best buy) because they are really cool. however if you are only getting a few games my top five would be (in this order) the legand of zelda twilight princess, red steel, guitar hero 3: legands of rock, wii sports (which comes with it), and either metroid prime 3 or super mario strikers, but make sure to leave money for Super Smash Brothers Brawl, because when that comes out it is goin to be an AWESOME GAME!!!

Why is it that some top Japanese brand mobile phones or gadgets are limited or available only in Japan?


I have noticed that brands like Softbank, which sells eye-catching models for most female teenagers like a phone designed with popular sanrio characters are only available in Japan. Plus, their gadgets are always equipped with high technological features(i don't know what you call it.)
Why aren't they selling it outside Japan? If they did, they could be at the top of the world right now.

There are a few reasons:

The Japanese market is huge when it comes to mobile phones, customers sign up on long-term contracts for new phones which makes it profitable. The rate at which people jump contracts and pay penalties is also high so that there are always a lot of new phones which will be snapped up.

Japanese phone companies often try out new features in their domestic markets before trying them on other markets.
They wean out the successful features before trying them abroad.

Sim cards in Japan are specific to phone companies, so that the same phones cannot work abroad.

There are also rules in Japan for sending new technology overseas (e.g. to China), especially manufacturing, so sometimes new technology release is delayed.

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