What can you recommend for a 4 months old baby boy?

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My son is 4 months old and I am planning to buy him a few gadgets to keep him happy. I am thinking a bouncer or swing and also a few learning toys to stimulate his coordination or motor skills etc. Any cool items you can recommend? No limits to price ranges. Thanks!

My son turns four months old today! There are three items that I consider absolutely necessary for him to play and have fun.

The first is an exersaucer. he just loves it to death, and it provides him time to play by himself (which a little of that each day is recommended) and explore. it has objects to touch and play with and he spins around and just loves to be up and looking around. Usually about fifteen minutes in it at a time like twice a day. We also have a jumperoo (fisherprice rainforest one) but he doesn't seem big enough to use it yet, his feet barely touch and he's not very interested in bouncing. I'm sure he will be soon though, and my niece who is now eight months old just loves hers!

The second is a play mat. This thing is great, especially the toys to the sides that he can reach for and work on rolling over and such. The lights and sounds just fascinate my little guy! I have the fisherprice rainforest playmat and he even likes to fall asleep on it to the animals sounds it plays!

The third is me!!! Its so much fun to get down on a blanket and have tummy time with him, show him toys and watch his expressions, make faces at him and sounds and watch his laughter. You can definitely be the most entertaining toy he has! There is nothing more satisfying than when I can make him smile, or giggle!

What baby product can you absolutely not live without?


I am due June 23rd, and we're having a boy. This is our first child, and there is so much stuff out there for babies I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can you tell me your absolute favorite product? It can be anything from car seats to strollers to wipes.....

Well, a carseat is a must. I used the Chicco KeyFit 30, and loved it. My little guy fit in it until nearly 15 months (he is a bit shorter than average - a taller baby would outgrow faster). There are convertible seats that can rear face and then forward face, but they are so impractical for newborns. You can't be pulling them in and out of a seat all the time. This seat is a carrier, and the base is so simple to install it can literally be done in less than two minutes if you have Latch connectors. Better to get a convertible later on, IMO.
I got organic cotton sheets for the crib, and I found a fabulous all-cotton organic underpad that does not leak. It is a really strongly woven and thick cotton, so even when someone pees or vomits, it is wet on top but never underneath. The little folks spend so much time sleeping that I don't want them breathing in all the chemicals they put on standard sheets, or the PVC they sometimes have in waterproof liners.
Diapers are a must, and I use a combination of cloth and the chlorine free disposables (there are many brands that are chlorine free now, if you read the labels).
Aveeno diaper rash ointment (an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure)
I used a stroller frame with the Chicco - there is one called Snap n Go that fits many different infant seats. Cheaper than buying the whole "travel system" - and more practical.
A good array of baby clothes - buy 0-3 months sizes and skip NB. Also a few nice blankets, but remember you are usually just wrapping and covering, not for in the crib.
Just remember that most of the baby products, gadgets, and gizmos out there are not really necessary. So many people wind up not using half of what they buy or receive as gifts. Small babies mostly sleep, and eat, and poop. Worry about other needs as the baby grows up into them, and don't worry about trying to have every single thing before baby is even born. Good luck.

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