iPod / Gadget Skins website - please rate / give opinion?

James G

Hi, I run the site www.pimp-my-gadgets.com offering a range of skins for various gadgets such as iPods, DSs, PSPs, Laptops etc, and wanted to get some people's opinions on it.

If when visiting the site you have any concerns / immediate thoughts please let me know - specifically im looking at what I can do to make it easier to use, more informative, what you think of the prices etc.

Thanks in advance - all replies can have 10% off if they ask me!
James Gupta

I've just been on your website and am actually really pleased I found it! My immediate thought was - "the graphics look good" and it's easy to find what you're looking for - I immediately clicked for a case for the "iPod Classic" and will probably buy one as they're cheap. Can I just ask, is your website secure? Can I make a secure credit card payment with your site? A minor suggestion - I'm not sure what the skins are made of - are they hard/silicone? A little more information on what they are made of would be good. Oh sorry - I now realise when I click on a skin I'm interested in, it tells you. Sorry about that! But still, maybe a little info on the page displaying all the skins about what they're made of. I think the prices are fantastic - £5.49 is a great price. Is that for postage as well or are there extra costs? Navigation is great - got to where I wanted straight away and I like the "iTunes tricks" as well. Great website.

A Website Devoted to Elder Gadgets?

Brian Wils

a friend of mine has spent a great deal of effort to create a website decoted to gadgets that benifit the elderly and seniors


can you take a look at this site and let me know what you think?

thank you in advance

Elder Gadget looks to be an amazing informative site

thank you for getting the word out about this amazing site

the world should know about it

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