New business needs a it Free Beer.
New business needs a it Free Beer.
what is the name of the high price gadget electronics store that is in some malls
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Used to be Sharper Image and/or Brookstone. However, since Sharper Image filed for bankruptcy in February they have been closing stores, and the company that bought the remaining assets in June says they will now close all of the stores. So, Brookstone is pretty much on their own in the malls. Items with the Sharper Image label will soon be sold online again, and there will be licensing deals with other retailers.
Used to be Sharper Image and/or Brookstone. However, since Sharper Image filed for bankruptcy in February they have been closing stores, and the company that bought the remaining assets in June says they will now close all of the stores. So, Brookstone is pretty much on their own in the malls. Items with the Sharper Image label will soon be sold online again, and there will be licensing deals with other retailers.
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