What are the names of magazines that tell you about products like electronics, technology and cool things ?

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Pilgrim c

Magazines about stuff like technology, and cool things to buy, ipods, cars, electronic things, games, fun stuff like this?

Well I would not try magazines, instead I would go to znet.com which is a great website to get reviews on gadgets of all kinds.

hope this help you

What is the criteria? And what are the steps to take in becoming a gadget/electronics reviewer?


gadget/electronics (i.e. Cellphones, Cameras, Computers, Everyday stuff you would see at best buy.) I'm not looking to just get free stuff I just love new technology I always have to have the latest ant the greatest of everything.... I guess it kind of an addiction.

there is an urban legend that you get free stuff for writing reviews for publications. it's not true. first of all no reputable publication accepts free merchandise from vendors as that would bias the review to always be "good" so that the merchant would continue buying advertising in the magazine. and if given to the reviewer, that would bias the review to always be "good" so as to keep the freebies coming.

Product reviews are a necessary part of many publications What the ARRL does is purchase the review model and then re-sells it to the membership afterwards. The reviewer gets nothing except for the prestiege for being the first to try a product, and also has to suffer the "cat calls" should he overlook a design fault. to be fair, they do allow the manufacture to respond to problems discovered, and often it means that the model is improved because of the poor review. Other publications contact consumers that have already made a purchase to get reviews. But none offer a free lunch.

It is unlikely that manufacturers would donate products for review by bloggers because the audited distribution of readership would be too small to make it worthwhile. They would expect to get $1000 worth of advertising from giving away a $1000 item, that would require a distribution of 50,000 interested readers.

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