What if there was film about a woman that dressed up like a flamingo and fought crime, would you watch it?

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She does not have powers but is at the peck of human strength and uses gadgets. She has blonde hair. She would be played by A.J. Cook. The villain is comical nut-job that kills people. The villain would be played by Jessica Pare.

Is it suposted to be comidy cause if it is them yes

How long does it take to get a woman pregnant?


We have not been married long, since Nov of 2006 and we have sex every now and then, but my wife still can not get pregnant. I am 28 she is 36, she has a child from a previous marriage, in other words, this is her second marriage and my first. We want to have children together but for some reason or another I just cant get her pregnant? What are other options? She can still have children. I heard that women who are overweight have trouble getting pregnant. She is say over 200 and under 300 I would say. I am over 200 and under 300. Please advise me on what meds or what doctors to see to get my wife pregnant. We do not have any doctors that we see just the health clinic as we are low-income family. Please advise.

Okay, first... if you're having sex "now and then" it might not be enough, or be at the right time of the month. Getting pregnant is simple... 1) you must ovulate and 2) you must have sex during ovulation. If one of these things is missing, you won't get pregnant.

Your wife's weight is only an issue if it's interfering with her fertility. Is she menstruating every month? Is she ovulating every month? That's what matters. Warning... having a period every month does NOT mean you ovulate. So... she really needs to figure out if this is happening naturally for her.

You need to start tracking her cycles. Charting the symptoms, determining when she's ovulating, and making sure to have sex at that time. There's tons of stuff on the Internet that will teach you about conceiving. Just do a search for "ovulation" and "conceiving",

Unfortunately, for some couples getting pregnant means more work than simply tossing out birth control. Also, she is considered advanced maternal age (35+) and it may take a bit longer... that's MAY take longer, not necessarily WILL take longer.

I suggest you start by tightening up your efforts a bit. Learn about her cycles and do the work. You can also purchase an ovulation predictor kit if you don't want to do the work manually. These gadgets will tell you when she's fertile.

Good luck and feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

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